

来源: | 发布日期:4个月前 | 浏览次数:






  1. **需求沟通**:缘通租赁的专业团队与购物中心管理层进行了详细的沟通,了解了购物中心的具体需求、场地布局、预期客流量以及租赁期限等关键信息。

  2. **方案设计**:根据购物中心的需求,缘通租赁的工程师团队制定了详细的租赁方案,包括闸机门的型号选择、安装位置、操作流程等。同时,考虑到无障碍通行的需求,方案特别强调了闸机门的宽度、高度以及操作便捷性。

  3. **设备租赁与安装**:在方案确定后,缘通租赁迅速调配了符合要求的无障碍无感通道闸机门,并派遣专业安装团队前往购物中心进行现场安装。安装过程中,团队严格遵守安全规范,确保设备稳定、可靠。

  4. **培训与试运行**:设备安装完成后,缘通租赁为购物中心的工作人员提供了详细的操作培训,确保他们能够熟练使用闸机门。同时,还进行了试运行,以检验设备的性能和稳定性。

  5. **正式启用**:经过培训和试运行,无障碍无感通道闸机门在促销活动期间正式启用。闸机门以其高效、便捷的特点,大大提升了顾客的进出效率,同时也为购物中心营造了更加安全、有序的购物环境。



  1. **提升效率**:闸机门的高效运作大大缩短了顾客的进出时间,减少了排队等待的情况,提升了顾客的购物体验。

  2. **保障安全**:闸机门具有智能识别功能,能够有效防止非法闯入,为购物中心提供了更加安全的环境。

  3. **无障碍通行**:特别设计的无障碍通道确保了特殊群体的顺畅通行,体现了购物中心的人文关怀。

  4. **成本节约**:与购买相比,租赁服务更加灵活、经济,购物中心无需承担额外的维护成本。





  **English Version**

  **Successful Case of Barrier-Free and Effortless Gate Rental in Xuchang, Henan Province**

  In Xuchang, Henan Province, Yuantong Rental has successfully provided barrier-free and effortless gate rental services to multiple enterprises and institutions. The following is a specific successful case, demonstrating how Yuantong Rental has assisted clients in achieving convenient and efficient access management.

  **I. Background of Client Needs**

  A large shopping mall in Xuchang was preparing for a two-week autumn promotional event and anticipated a large influx of customers. To ensure smooth and safe entry and exit for customers and enhance the overall shopping experience, the malls management decided to temporarily install barrier-free and effortless gates. Considering cost and flexibility, the mall chose a rental service and, after comparing multiple options, selected Yuantong Rental.

  **II. Service Implementation Process**

  1. **Communication of Needs**: The professional team of Yuantong Rental conducted detailed communication with the malls management, understanding the specific needs, venue layout, expected customer flow, and rental duration.

  2. **Scheme Design**: Based on the malls needs, Yuantong Rentals engineers formulated a detailed rental plan, including gate models, installation locations, and operating procedures. Special attention was given to the width, height, and ease of operation to accommodate barrier-free access.

  3. **Equipment Rental and Installation**: After confirming the plan, Yuantong Rental quickly dispatched the required barrier-free and effortless gates and sent a professional installation team to the mall for on-site installation. The team strictly adhered to safety regulations to ensure stability and reliability.

  4. **Training


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